Discover Ponte Horizont – the new tool for companies committed to sustainable growth and innovation. A flexible, customizable competency and satisfaction assessment system that helps provide an accurate picture of your organization’s performance. Take leadership and employee satisfaction to the next level!
Horizont -
We Evaluate Performance!
The sustainability of organizational performance and innovation is one of the greatest challenges facing companies today. Essential to this is the training and retention of the existing workforce, as well as the continuous assurance of workforce succession. For this, management must have an accurate understanding of the state of their organization and its various units.
Use cases
180/270/360-degree evaluations
External and internal customer satisfaction surveys
Workplace satisfaction surveys
Organizational culture assessment
The sustainability of organizational performance and innovation is one of the greatest challenges companies face today. Achieving this requires training and retaining the current workforce, as well as ensuring a steady pipeline of talent. To do so, management must have an accurate picture of the organization’s current state, the efficiency of collaboration across units, and the levels of individual competencies that drive performance.
Measuring key factors such as leadership commitment, preparedness, employee satisfaction, and tracking expectations is now essential for ensuring a company’s long-term success on a solid foundation.
The increasingly popular 360-degree, competency-based assessment system provides an excellent tool for this purpose. We have combined the expertise of organizational consultants with decades of experience and modern IT solutions. Ponte Horizont is an IT system designed to conduct 360, 270, and 180-degree competency assessments, offering a flexible solution for any company.